Incoming Patrick Henry 6th Graders - Don't miss your opportunity to sign-up for Running Start in July! This is a great way to learn the ropes of Middle School. Print and return this registration form:
8 months ago, Patrick Henry Middle School
Running Start
Last week, WEB leaders welcomed the incoming class of 6th graders for the 2024-2025 school year during their visit to Patrick Henry! Students toured the building and learned more about a typical day as a 6th grader.
8 months ago, Patrick Henry Middle School
Incoming 6th Graders
Incoming 6th Graders
Incoming 6th Graders
B & G Milky Way on 69th and Cliff Ave. is hosting a fundraising event for the PHMS PTO today - Tuesday, May 14th! Celebrate the concert this evening or simply enjoy the nice weather with a treat or meal that will benefit our school. Be sure to mention you are with Patrick Henry when you order!!
8 months ago, Patrick Henry Middle School
Check out the events happening at Patrick Henry this week! The PH Spirit Wear Store is open until May 15!
8 months ago, Patrick Henry Middle School
Weekly Events
Thank you for making Teacher Appreciation Week special at Patrick Henry!
8 months ago, Patrick Henry Middle School
Teacher Appreciation
Mark your calendar for Tuesday, May 14, 2024! We hope you can attend the final Patrick Henry Concert of the year! Doors will open to the Public at 5:25 pm. 6th Grade Choir - Report at 5:00 pm for rehearsal on the risers. 6th Grade Band - Woodwinds/ French Horns report to the bandroom at 6:10, Brass/Percussion report to the cafeteria at 6:10. 7th & 8th Band - 7th grade report to the cafeteria at 7:00, 8th grade report to the band room at 7:00.
8 months ago, Patrick Henry Middle School
*Important* - the PH Staff vs. Students Basketball Game has been cancelled on Friday, May 10.
8 months ago, Patrick Henry Middle School
Basketball Game
Yesterday, May 8 was National School Nurses Day! We celebrate Nurse Lisa and appreciate knowing that our students are well taken care of because of her!
8 months ago, Patrick Henry Middle School
Library books are due! Please remind your child to turn in their library books to the PH library! Also, our library has over 18,000 books that need to be packed up next week in approximately 475 empty boxes. If you have any time to volunteer to help pack up in preparation for a library update over the summer, please check out the link to sign-up - there are still 12 spots left!
8 months ago, Patrick Henry Middle School
We have a fun event planned for Friday, May 10 after school - it's the Staff Vs. Students Basketball Game!
8 months ago, Patrick Henry Middle School
Staff V. Students
These students were selected to represent Patrick Henry at the District-Wide Poetry Slam for 8th graders today at the Sioux Falls Arena. Congratulations to all that participated and Good Luck to Merik, Saylor and Clarence!
8 months ago, Patrick Henry Middle School
Poetry Slam
For the second year in a row, the Sioux Falls School District is proud to be called one of the Best Communities for Music Education by the National Association for Music Merchants Foundation. This recognition is a testament to the dedication of our teachers, the commitment of our students, and to the close ties that have grown together over the years in our music education community. As we celebrate this recognition, let us also celebrate the power of music to inspire, educate, and unite us all.
8 months ago, Sioux Falls School District
It's Wednesday, May 8 and all library books are due today! Please remind your child to turn in their library books to the PH library! Also, our library has over 18,000 books that need to be packed up next week in approximately 475 empty boxes. If you have any time to volunteer to help pack up in preparation for a library update over the summer, please check out the link to sign-up - there are still 12 spots left!
8 months ago, Patrick Henry Middle School
May 6-10, 2024 is a busy week! Here is a glimpse at the new Weekly Events layout for the 2024-2025 school year!
8 months ago, Patrick Henry Middle School
Weekly Events
Is your child interested in Chess? Check out this opportunity on Saturday, May 11! Sign up at:
8 months ago, Patrick Henry Middle School
Here's a glimpse at our new weekly events format for the 2024-2025 school year!
8 months ago, Patrick Henry Middle School
Weekly events
Wow! SFSD is so grateful to the Sioux Falls STORM, LEVO, and media partners KELOLand TV for supporting Operation Hope & Caring where $18,417 was raised to support elementary schools that don't have PTAs/PTOs. We had a great time at the game and especially enjoyed the WIN! ❤️
8 months ago, Sioux Falls School District
2024 Hope & Caring Totals
7th and 8th Grade Choir students will perform at the District Choir Festival on Tuesday, May 7! **Students should wear jeans, black pants, khakis, or nice joggers and the provided festival t-shirt. No sandals, flip-flops, pajama pants, shorts, or sweatpants. Students will leave school at 12:00 p.m. to go to the Elmen Center for the afternoon to rehearse. Students will need a ride home following the concert.
8 months ago, Patrick Henry Middle School
Congratulations to our April Students of the Month that were announced last week! Continue to be leaders at Patrick Henry by being safe, responsible and respectful!
9 months ago, Patrick Henry Middle School
Tonight is THE night! Come out to support SFSD elementary schools without PTAs/PTOs as the Sioux Falls STORM take on the Green Bay Blizzard. It's also Star Wars night, so wear your gear and bring your lightsaber to this fun family event sponsored by LEVO Credit Union!
9 months ago, Sioux Falls School District
Star Wars Storm Game for Hope & Caring