🍎Meet the New Staff at Patrick Henry! 🍎
We’re excited to introduce the amazing educators who’ve joined our Panther family this year! They bring energy, passion, experience and dedication! Let’s give them a warm Panther welcome!
Check out what's happening at Patrick Henry this week!
It was National Custodian Day earlier this week!
They are the quiet heroes of our school. They are the first to arrive each day, clean up messes that no one dares to touch and they befriend everyone that passes by. Thank you to Jeremiah, Jared, John, Jacob and Don! We appreciate all you do at Patrick Henry!
8th grade Bass and Cello players had the opportunity to spend the day at USD in Vermillion. They learned and performed with middle and high school orchestra students from South Dakota, Iowa, and Nebraska. They rehearsed, watched performances and had master classes throughout the day.
Earlier this week, School Board Member, Marc Murren, visited Patrick Henry to get a first-hand experience of the work staff do each day to educate and prepare students! Thank you for visiting our school, Mr. Murren!
6th graders on Teams 6-1 and 6-2 recently took a journey through the water cycle. They visited stations for rivers, lakes, clouds, glaciers and more to simulate the path of a water drop! The chains are a physical reminder of the journey they took - each color represents a different station!
We owe a big thanks to our local Sioux Falls Scheels store! They recently reached out to Patrick Henry with donations for our Panther Caring Closet. The Panther Caring Closet is a space at Patrick Henry where students may go to obtain supplies that they may not be able to get otherwise- supplies include clothing, shoes, hygiene products, school supplies, etc. Sioux Falls Scheels, thank you for showing up and supporting our students! 💙💛💙
Is your child interested in Mathcounts? If so, mark your calendar for Wednesday mornings from 7:30-8:30 a.m. Mathcounts provides a fun atmosphere for students to push themselves to achieve more in mathematics. Mathcounts challenges students' critical-thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as develops their self-confidence! See Miss Haugland for more info.
During our extended PRO time last week, Team 6-2 took advantage of the beautiful Fall weather and walked to the park for fresh air and team building!
Check out the Panther Events this week and don't forget the fun dress-up days for Homecoming Week!
Patrick Henry is celebrating Homecoming Week next week with Lincoln High School! Start planning your dress-up days!
Our PHMS Marching Band made the news last week! Don't miss your chance to hear the band perform outside the school tomorrow (Thursday) morning at 8:30 a.m.! Check out the Argus Leader article here: https://www.argusleader.com/story/news/education/2024/09/20/patrick-henry-middle-school-band-is-bursting-out-of-the-band-room/75247785007/
Ring, Ring.....Hello?
Oh Hi! It's the 8th Grade Girls Volleyball team ready to compete! Come and cheer us on this Friday, September 27 at 4:15 p.m. in the Patrick Henry Gym!
Last week at our Staff Meeting, the Sioux Falls Public Schools Education Foundation delivered donuts and shared about grant opportunities for teachers! We are always thankful for donuts and the Foundation's willingness to support our grant projects!
The Patrick Henry walls are full of clever Student Council campaign posters! Good luck to all students that are participating! 2 representatives for each team will be announced this Friday, September 27. https://www.canva.com/design/DAGRizTTZCQ/wxc7LHUi0ltX2xG7XSd3yA/watch?utm_content=DAGRizTTZCQ&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor
It's the last week of September and there are plenty of ways to support your Patrick Henry Panthers! Catch a football game, cross country meet, volleyball match or watch the Marching Band perform!
Siouxland Library is partnering with our library to bring exciting learning opportunities to Patrick Henry! They will visit once a month for “Siouxland Surprise” and 25 students will able to attend. This past week, students made Marble Magnets!
It’s time to recognize the 8th Grade WEB leaders at Patrick Henry! WEB is a program that recruits and trains a group of 8th graders to be leaders in our school with the focus of helping our 6th graders transition into middle school. The leaders continue to support the 6th grade students throughout the entire school year by teaching monthly lessons and building relationships. WEB stands for Where Everybody Belongs. WEB leaders met with their assigned classes last Friday to lead an activity requiring teamwork and communication! Thank you for your leadership WEB Leaders!
💻 Happy National IT Professionals Day!💻
Give a big Panther shoutout to Doug Waller! He’s the one working behind the scenes to keep our technology running smoothly. From troubleshooting any of our tech problems and making sure our Wi-Fi works, to ensuring our systems are secure, we couldn't do our job without him! Doug's hard work helps our students and staff be successful!
"Report, Don't Repost." Parents, students, and the community are asked to take 3 minutes to hear an important message from Superintendent Jane Stavem and Police Chief Jon Thum. School safety is everyone's responsibility!