The 5th-8th Grade Band Festival is on Friday, April 12 at 6:30 pm in the Lincoln High School Gym. Students should arrive at 6:10 pm, wear their black PHMS Band shirt and bring their instrument, music, and music stand.
9 months ago, Patrick Henry Middle School
Were you able to see the Solar Eclipse on Monday? Some Patrick Henry students caught a quick glimpse! Thanks to Midco who generously donated the solar eclipse glasses!
9 months ago, Patrick Henry Middle School
Solar Eclipse
Solar Eclipse
Solar Eclipse
Solar Eclipse
Solar Eclipse
Patrick Henry Parents - We need your help! If you are able to help supervise at the Panther Party on April 19 or donate party supplies, please sign up using this link:
9 months ago, Patrick Henry Middle School
Panther Party Volunteers
8 National History Day Projects from Patrick Henry will be competing at the State NHD Competition tomorrow, April 10, at SDSU in Brookings! Good Luck to all!
9 months ago, Patrick Henry Middle School
Students are invited to the FREE Panther Party sponsored by PTO on Friday, April 19 from 4:00-5:30! If students plan to attend, they must sign up before the end of the day on 4/12/24. Sign-Up to Attend:
9 months ago, Patrick Henry Middle School
Panther Party
What information do you need to support your students college and career choices? The SFSD is holding an input session at Patrick Henry on Tuesday, April 16 from 5:30-7:00. If this is something that interests you, please plan to attend!
9 months ago, Patrick Henry Middle School
SFSD Input Session
It was a busy week as we recognized important staff at Patrick Henry! On Thursday, we also celebrated our talented and helpful librarians - Mrs. Nelson and Mrs. Ostman! Thank you for all you do for PH staff and students!
10 months ago, Patrick Henry Middle School
Patrick Henry students will be taking the annual state assessments in the areas of math and reading. In addition, all 8th graders will take the science assessment. Attendance on testing days is vital. Math Assessment – April 10th and 11th from 9:00-11:00 a.m. ELA Assessment – April 17th and 18th from 9:00-11:00 a.m. Science Assessment (8th grade only) – April 25th and 26th during regularly scheduled science classes.
10 months ago, Patrick Henry Middle School
Tips for State Testing
It was Paraprofessional Appreciation Day on Wednesday, April 3. Paraprofessionals are truly the backbone to our school. They support classes, are assigned to specific students in special education, help with substituting and assist with the day-to-day functioning of Patrick Henry in a variety of ways. Thank you to our PH Paraprofessionals!
10 months ago, Patrick Henry Middle School
Paraprofessional Thank You
🗳️ Help shape the future! Five candidates are vying for two open seats on the Sioux Falls School Board. Learn about them and make time to get to the polls on Tuesday, April 9, 2024.
10 months ago, Sioux Falls School District
Apri 9 , 2024 Election
Happy Assistant Principal and Dean Appreciation Week! Give a shout out to Patrick Henry's hardworking and passionate leaders - Mr. Noll and Mr. Hall!
10 months ago, Patrick Henry Middle School
Assistant Principals Week
Today was National Walking Day! Not only did the staff at Patrick Henry challenge each other to see who could log the most steps during the day, but students also had the opportunity to walk around the track after they were done eating lunch. According to the American Heart Association, "A walk is not just good for your body, it's good for your soul. Physical activity is one of the best ways to reduce stress and boost mood."
10 months ago, Patrick Henry Middle School
Make plans to going skating this Friday night, April 5, 2024 from 8:00-10:00!
10 months ago, Patrick Henry Middle School
Skate City
SFSD wants your feedback! Our annual parent/guardian survey is now open through Friday, April 19, 2024. Check your email for an active link and share your experiences with us as partners in your child's education!
10 months ago, Sioux Falls School District
2024 Parent Survey
Last Thursday, Patrick Henry 6th graders gathered to hear local author, Tom Roberts speak about teens that struggle with mental illness. He shared his book called, "The New Norm." The main character in his book named Norm, battles his own negative perception of the world. By the end of the book, the illustrations become brighter and more colorful as Norm focuses on finding the sparks in his life. Check out this link for more info on Tom Roberts and his book!
10 months ago, Patrick Henry Middle School
Tom Roberts
Tom Roberts
Tom Roberts
Welcome back Panthers! Here is the Athletic Schedule for this week, April 1-5, 2024!
10 months ago, Patrick Henry Middle School
Enjoy your Spring Break!
10 months ago, Patrick Henry Middle School
No School
The Bookmark Contest is a way for students to connect their creativity and love for reading. Congrats to Cora, Dante, Hadley and Zoe! They designed our Spring Bookmarks for the library!
10 months ago, Patrick Henry Middle School
Patrick Henry Music Ensembles went on tour yesterday! Wind Ensemble, Strings Attached, City Lights and Jazz Band gave concerts for Robert Frost, Susan B. Anthony and Eugene Field. Our middle schoolers loved visiting their old schools and the elementary students were great audiences!
10 months ago, Patrick Henry Middle School
Ensemble Tour
Despite the cold and snowy weather, our Spring sports are off and running! Check out the track team working on their agility during an indoor practice yesterday. Reminder: Pictures for Track & Field as well as Soccer are tomorrow, Wednesday, March 27, 2024.
10 months ago, Patrick Henry Middle School